17 Jan 2012


It was decided that dues would be:
$40 before the John Herald Cup
$50 after the John Herald Cup
and as always, $0 for full-time students
**Please get your dues to Trick!

The following Kings have paid their 20l2 dues:
– Jeremy Walker (plus a donation to the club)
– Bill
– Sleepy
– Jack

John Harrell Memorial Cup Tournament

The JHMC will be April 28th. Jack invited several teams, and so far has heard confirmations from: Columbus, Chicago, Nashville, and Milwaukee (and of course St. Louis & Cincinnati)


First practice will be sometime near the beginning of April, depending on the weather.

Officers for 2012

President: Jack
Vice President: Sleepy
Secretary: Kiley O’Laughlin
Non-voting Treasurer: Trick


Board meetings will be every 30 days, and every 6 months we will be filing a report with the Secretary of State in order for us to keep our nonprofit status once we have received it.
**Our official name as a nonprofit: Louisville Kings Australian Football Club Corporation


New website will be ready soon. Will also have a flyer to distribute around town for recruitment purposes. If anyone has any additional ideas for recruitment, let someone on the Board know.


It was discovered that Sleepy has one set of posts. Is anyone willing to donate new posts? Perhaps we can find a donor.
**Who has the green posts? Anyone? Anyone?

Meeting 1.17.12  |  5:30-6:30pm
In attendance: Jack, Patrick, Sleepy, Jeremy, Alex, Fred and Kiley

Recorded and submitted by: Kiley O’Laughlin, Secretary

