Minutes 3.20.13
John Harrell Cup Trying to figure out a date based on other tournaments. Will be later in the season. Practices We’ll move practices back to Seneca, and start the week after Derby. Will be Tuesdays, starting May 7th. Tournaments May 18 @ Des Moines June @ Columbus June ? B-side Tournament @ Cincinnati July 20.. read more →
Minutes 6.20.12
New Flyers We will distribute these soon. Practices Thinking about switching practices up to get new people interested? Cherokee? Tom Sawyer? Madison Who’s going? Club Bar? Anyone have any ideas? Friday Night Metro League? Anyone up for playing games on Fridays? Maybe a Saturday? Would help with the lapse in games. Nationals We encourage you.. read more →
Minutes 4.25.12
Dues Mario paid his $40 (on sale) team dues. John Harrell Memorial Cup We will be charging $60 per team to pay the umps. Bill wanted to remind all players to cut fingernails and remove jewelry before Saturday’s tournament. Please bring a case or several cases of water to provide to visiting teams. Chris Parsley.. read more →
Minutes 3.21.12
Dues Mario paid his $40 (on sale) team dues New member Welcome Bruno from Lexington to the team! Practices First practices are Wednesday, March 28 at 6 p.m. at Seneca Park and Saturday, March 31 at 11 a.m. at Seneca Park. Nationals Right now is the cheapest price for USAFL player registration/dueshttp://www.usafl.com/rego …please go to Nationals this.. read more →
Minutes 2.20.12
Posts Still missing the set of green posts. Does anyone know where they are? John Harrell Memorial Cup Tournament After-party: Looking into Molly’s. Teams: Chicago, Columbus, Nashville, Cincinnatti, St. Louisville, Milwaukee and of course the Kings. Hoping to have 5-6 teams at this point. Scoreboards Sleepy is looking for scoreboards for us to purchase. Recruiting.. read more →
Minutes 1.17.12
Dues It was decided that dues would be: $40 before the John Herald Cup $50 after the John Herald Cup and as always, $0 for full-time students **Please get your dues to Trick! The following Kings have paid their 20l2 dues: – Jeremy Walker (plus a donation to the club) – Bill – Sleepy –.. read more →