20 Feb 2012


Still missing the set of green posts. Does anyone know where they are?

John Harrell Memorial Cup Tournament

After-party: Looking into Molly’s.

Teams: Chicago, Columbus, Nashville, Cincinnatti, St. Louisville, Milwaukee and of course the Kings. Hoping to have 5-6 teams at this point.


Sleepy is looking for scoreboards for us to purchase.

Recruiting Flyer

Will be sent out soon, designed by Kiley.


Will be putting together a sponsor letter. Minimum to donate: $250, will get their logo on the website and our tshirts. Start asking local businesses!

Meeting 2.20.12  |  5:30-6:30pm
In attendance: Jack, Sleepy, Trick, Kiley & Jeremy

Recorded and submitted by: Kiley O’Laughlin, Secretary




